The most important class, however, for me and for hundreds of other Hungarian musicians, was the chamber-music class. From about the age of fourteen, and until graduation from the Academy, all instrumentalists except the heavy-brass players and percussionists had to participate in this course. Presiding over it for many years was the composer Leó Weiner, who thus exercised an enormous influence on three generations of Hungarian musicians.

Sir Georg Solti

27 July 2022, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

National Youth Choir of Hungary

Bárdos: Cantemus
György Orbán: Levél az otthoniaktól (Letter from Home)
Tallér: Odi et Amo
Barna Szabó: Virág és pillangó (Flower and Butterfly) (world premiere)
Máté Bella: Eternal Music
György Orbán: Szabad-é? (Shall I?)
Megyeri Krisztina: Magnificat
Miklós Csemiczky: Ad Mariam (world premiere)
Kodály: Jesus and the Traders
Mendelssohn: Denn er hat seinen Engel befohlen

National Youth Choir of Hungary
Conductor: Péter Erdei, László Norbert Nemes

Presented by

Filharmónia Hungary


Admission to the concert is free. Registration at between the 1st and the 24th of July.