Lili Újvári, Zoltán Németh & Gergely Olexó Choral Conducting MA Diploma Concert

29 April 2025, 19.00-21.00

Grand Hall

Lili Újvári, Zoltán Németh & Gergely Olexó Choral Conducting MA Diploma Concert Presented by Liszt Academy

Bárdos: Boldogasszony anyánk (The Blessed Virgin Mary)
Featuring: Eötvös High School Choir
Lacorcia: Ahi, tu piangi
Featuring: Mixed Choir of the Conducting Department of Liszt Academy
L. Boulanger: Hymne au soleil
Featuring: Emma Vámos (mezzo-soprano), Zsigmond Kóta (piano)
Featuring: Mixed Choir of the Conducting Department of Liszt Academy
Kodály: Miserere
Featuring: Hungarian Radio Choir
Liszt: Christus, Part Three: Passion and Resurrection » 13. O filii et filiae
Featuring: Women's Choir of Eötvös High School
Liszt: Christus, Part Three: Passion and Resurrection » 14. Resurrexit
Featuring: N.N. (soprano), Viola Thurnay (alto), N.N. (tenor),  Balázs Bán (bass), Péter Szilágyi (organ)
A Magyar Rádió Énekkara
Conductor: Zoltán Németh 
Gesualdo: Crudelissima doglia
Featuring: Liszt Academy Conductor and Choir of the Department of Conducting
Pászti: Precatio pro pace
Featuring: Liszt Academy Conductor and Choir of the Department of Conducting
Brahms: Begräbnisgesang, Op. 13
Featuring: Budapest Academic Choral Society
Budafok Dohnányi Orchestra


Bartók Béla: Four Hungarian Folksongs, BB 99 » 2. A bujdosó, 3. Az eladó lány, 4. Dal
Featuring: Hungarian Radio Choir
Bartók Béla: : Seven Choruses with Orchestra, BB 111b » 1. Bolyongás (Lonely Wanderer), 2. Cipósütés, 3. Huszárnóta, 4. Ne menj el!, 5. Resteknek nótája
Featuring: Choir of the LFZE Choir of the Department of Conducting and the ensemble of the Liszt Academy
Conductor: Gergely Olexó 
Haydn: Der Greis
Featuring: Momento Choir
Schütz: Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk, SWV 382
Featuring: Mixed Choir of the Conducting Department of Liszt Academy

Michel Hostettler: Chanson du soir
Featuring: Mixed Choir of the Conducting Department of Liszt Academy
Bartók: From Olden Times, BB 112 » 1. Parlando (Nincs boldogtalanabb)
Featuring: a Male choir of the Hungarian Radio Choir
Miklós Csemiczky: Vox dilecti mei
Featuring: a Hungarian Radio Choir
Bruckner: Libera me Domine
Featuring: Zsolt Boldizsár, Boldizsár Király & Milán Mezősi (trombone), Péter Szilágyi (organ)
LFZE Conductor and Choir of the Department of Conducting

Conductor: Lili Ujvári

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at the website and at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.

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