Our task is to form veritable talents who possess the necessary gifts to become masters, without attending to the ungifted mediocrity.

Liszt to Giovanni Sgambati
Martin Ficsura Saxophone MA Diploma Concert

8 June 2024, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Martin Ficsura Saxophone MA Diploma Concert Presented by Liszt Academy

Caplet: Impressions d’automne
Featuring: Thiago Bertoldi (piano)
Gyenyiszov: Sonata for Saxophone and Piano
Featuring: Thiago Bertoldi (piano)
Desenclos: Saxophone Quartet
Featuring: Szilárd Előd Katona, Noémi Bakó, Levente Lajkó (saxophone)
Mantovani: Bug
Glazunov: Concerto in E-flat major for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra, Op. 109
Featuring the chamber orchestra formed by friends of the student (concertmaster: Katalin Éva Paulay)
Conductor: (Levente Zsíros)

Martin Ficsura (saxophone)

The concert has been rescheduled from the originally announced date of 29 April!

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at the website and at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.