Audrey Gábor & Zsombor Tóth-Vajna Chamber Recital

2024. február 24. 11.00-13.00

Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall

Liszt Museum Morning Concert

Audrey Gábor & Zsombor Tóth-Vajna Chamber Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

“Music for a While” – Works by Henry Purcell

Purcell: If Music Be the Food of Love, Z. 379a
Purcell: Bonduca, or the British Heroine, Z. 574/17a » Oh! Lead Me to Some Peaceful Gloom
Blow: Voluntary in C Major
Purcell: Harmonia Sacra » An Evening Hymn, Z. 193
Purcell: Don Quixote, Z. 578 » From Rosy Bow’rs
Blow: Psalm 113
Purcell: King Arthur, Z. 628 » Fairest Isle
Purcell: Abdelazer, Z. 570 » Lucinda is Bewitching Fair
Croft: Voluntary in D minor
Purcell: O Solitude, Z. 406
Purcell: Oedipus » Music for a While, Z. 583/2

Audrey Gábor (soprano), Zsombor Tóth-Vajna (harpsichord, organ)

Presented by

Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum és Kutatóközpont


HUF 4 000 (for students and pensioners: HUF 2 000)

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