A 21st Century Perspective on Liszt and His Contemporaries

2024. május 16. 09.00-19.00

Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall

A 21st Century Perspective on Liszt and His Contemporaries A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Conference in English and German Language

21st Century Perspective on Liszt and his Contemporaries – the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum and Research Centre is organizing an international conference with the participation of researchers from nine countries. The lectures are given in English and German language. The conference was created with the aim that researchers working in different institutions and countries can share the latest results of the Liszt-research, exchange their experiences personally, also coordinate the future goals of the research. During the two-day meeting, in addition to foreign experts, Hungarian researchers, primarily the members of the Franz Liszt Research Center will present the current situation of the Hungarian Liszt-research. The conference days are closed by a CD and book presentation, and the event ends with the Museum's upcoming morning concert, Marouan Benabdallah's piano recital on 18 May.


Chopin–Liszt: Six Polish Songs » 5. Meine Freuden
Gábor Farkas (piano), Head of the Keyboard and Harp Department
Welcome: Gyula Fekete, Vice-President of Research and International Affairs of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music and Zsuzsanna Domokos, President of the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum and Research Centre
Introduction: Alan Walker


Chair: Zsuzsanna Domokos


9.30: Cécile Reynaud
New data for the study of the Liszt and Berlioz relationship

10.00: Lucas Berton
Liszt und seine Arbeit zum literarischen Stil. Berlioz und seine Harold-Symphonie und andere Beispiele

10.30: Monika Hennemann
Too much like Mendelssohn? Liszt and conservative contemporary music




Chair: Monika Hennemann


11.20: Rainer Kleinertz
Franz Liszt und Gustav Mahler

11.50: Stephanie Klauk
Liszt, Marx und die Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts

12.20: Boglárka Illyés
Léo Delibes, Liszt and the Budapest Social Life




Chair: Kenneth Hamilton


15.00: Nicolas Dufetel
Liszt, the Orient and Constantinople: a west-eastern divan between Orientalism and Occidentalism

15.30: Oskar Habjanič
The soft power of Franz Liszt's concert in Maribor (Slovenia) in 1846

16.00: Jonathan Kregor
Grading Liszt




Chair: Jonathan Kregor


16.45: Mariateresa Storino
Women composers in Liszt's eyes

17.15: Lilla Dóra Bokor
Putting Reményi’s Hungarian repertoire into perspective: assessment of definition, choices and narratives


18.00: CD launch
Kenneth Hamilton: Handel Remembered

Handel–Liszt: Sarabande and Chaconne from Almira

Jonathan Kregor, Kenneth Hamilton
Hungarian interpreter: Boldizsár Fejérvári

Presented by

Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum és Kutatóközpont



Admission is free, subject to availability of seats.