2024. október 18. 17.00-17.45
Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall
Liszt Birthday Festival
New Liszt Bust & Liszt Photo Launch
A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja
The objects are presented by Zsuzsanna Domokos, Director of the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum and Research Centre
Pianist Malcolm Binns has recently donated two valuable Liszt memorabilia to the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum, which will be included in the institution's permanent exhibition. The official presentation of the works of art will take place at an event to coincide with the museum's Liszt birthday concert series. Both were made during the composer's lifetime, during his last trip to England: one is a life-size bust of Liszt by Edgar Boehm in 1886, the other a portrait of the old master.
Presented by
Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum és Kutatóközpont
Admission is free, subject to availability of seats.