Amadinda Percussion Project

2025. április 30. 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Here and Now

Amadinda Percussion Project A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Xenakis: Rebonds
Áskell Másson: Frum – A Drum Song
Elliott Carter: Eight Pieces for Timpani » 7. Canaries, 8. March
Ben Wahlund: The Whimsical Nature of Small Particle Physics
Olga Neuwirth: coronAtion I: io son ferito ahimè (Hungarian premiere)
Bob Becker: Unseen Child
Debussy: Childrenʼs Corner » 4. The Snow is Dancing, 3. Serenade for the Doll, 6. Golliwogg’s Cakewalk
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition » 3. Tuileries, 5. Ballet of Unhatched Chicks, 7. Limoges, le marché
Elliot Cole: Postludes

Marcell Begyik, Alex Biró, Dávid Burcsik, Ede Czilik, Benjámin Mizsák, András Simon, Bence Siptár, Miklós Veress (percussion)
Zoltán Rácz (percussion)


Buy tickets for the concerts presented by the Liszt Academy at the same time and we will give you
  • 10% discount for 2 concerts,
  • 15% discount for 3 concerts,
  • 20% discount for 4 or more concerts.


Presented by

Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont


HUF 4 900

Concert series:

Itt és most

Other events in the concert series:

2025. 04. 14
Here and Now

Ecce Homo

Saint Ephraim Choir, Péter Tornyai

Solti Hall