Bach – In 41 Movements

2025. március 28. 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Bach – In 41 Movements A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Concert by the Piano Students of the Doctoral School

Johann Sebastian Bach’s six partitas in unusual order

Benabdallah Marouan, Domonkos Csabay, Berta Gulyás, Ádám Király, Gergely Kovács, Tony Chen Lin, Marcell Molnár, Gábor Ludmány, Endre Orsovai, László Váradi, Kinga Várallyay (piano)

The performance of Bach's partitas is a rare undertaking, and it is even more exceptional (and perhaps unprecedented) for several young, emerging pianists—each a doctoral student—to join forces for such a venture. This collaboration, in itself, makes this concert a groundbreaking endeavor. What sets this performance apart is that the six movements of the partitas will be presented in a unique order, different from the original, deconstructed into atomic parts, creating an electrifying selection of pieces never before heard in such a way. The kaleidoscopic structure of the program is designed to shed new light on these timeless works, offering the audience a fresh perspective on Bach’s genius.

Presented by

Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont


HUF 2 500

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