Rosina Fabius, Camilo Delgado Díaz and Niall Kinsella Chamber Recital

2024. január 27. 11.00-13.00

Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall

Liszt Museum Morning Concert

Rosina Fabius, Camilo Delgado Díaz and Niall Kinsella Chamber Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Schumann: Myrthen, Op. 25

Rosina Fabius (vocals), Camilo Delgado Díaz (vocals), Niall Kinsella (piano)

The concert is supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary and the Embassy of Ireland, Hungary.

Presented by

Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum és Kutatóközpont


HUF 4 000 (for students and pensioners: HUF 2 000)