Award of recognition to the Liszt Museum
The Collegium Corvinum in Los Angeles, the Society of Hungarian Artists, Scientists and Intellectuals of the City has awarded the achievements of the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum for the second time with their Award the Silver Raven. The award with the copy of the one time arms of Matthias Corvinus is given to artists and scientists who do their best to promote Hungarian culture in Hungary and abroad, based on the decision of the Presidency of the Collegium. The founding director of the Liszt Museum received the award a few years ago in Los Angeles, and the current award was given to the present director, Dr. Zsuzsanna Domokos. The Silver Raven was handed over to the director by Dr. Andrea Vígh, the Rector of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music on 21st June during the closing ceremony of the school-year. We feel honoured and thankful for the confidence of the Los Angeles Committee and are dedicated to preserve Liszt’s spirit with our continuous work in the future, too.