Dante poster exhibition on display till January 23
Our poster exhibition focusing on the artistic relationship between Liszt and Dante can be visited until 23 January 2022 at the Atrium in the Academy of Music (Liszt Square). The exhibition entitled “I am going deeper and deeper into Dante’s forest...” was opened during the Liszt Anniversary Festival, on 10 October. The composer, as many other 19th-century artists, could not avoid Dante’s influence for his entire life, and this influence can well be traced through his oeuvre. The exhibition not only demonstrates Liszt’s keen interest in the Italian poet and his Dante-themed works, but also places them in context by presenting Dante’s life and work, and briefly explaining the 19th-century “Dantemania” with a couple of examples (also related to Liszt). With this exhibition, we are also commemorating the 700th death anniversary of Dante Alighieri; read more about it here.