Liszt's way in Switzerland - Touristic program of Lisztomanias International

26 April 2016

Liszt's way in Switzerland - Touristic program of Lisztomanias International


We want to insform our guests that the Lisztomanias International organized a trip from France to Switzerland between 29th June and 9th July 2016. The stations of the bus trip are the places where Liszt and Marie d'Agoult were together in 1835 (the locations of the piano piece Années de pèlerinage: Switzerland): Paris - Belfort - Basel - Geneva - Fribourg - Basel - Paris. The history of music-cultural-historical tour also includes concerts, lectures and sightseeing. The tours are mainly held in French, but we would also look forward to guests who speak German and English.


For more information, see here and on the website of the International Lisztomanias (Voyage en Suisse Lisztomanias: Année de Pélerinage 1 du 29 juin au 8 juillet 2016).

For additional information, please contact the organizer of the trip, Alain Rechner.