Matinee again!
Our matinee concerts will start again from September!
Dear Audience!
We have great news! Our regular matinee concert series will start on September 4th!
Our program offer in September:
September 04th 11:00: Jacopo Fulimeni (piano)
September 11st 11:00: Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra (artistic director: László G. Horváth)
September 25th 11:00: Zuzana Kohoutová (vocals), Gyökér Gabriella (piano)
On the 22nd of September we invite you to an evening concert: September 22nd 18:00: Record presentation of János Végh's songs - Zsófia Staszny and Nóra Tatai (vocals), Ferenc János Szabó (piano)
Our program offer in October:
October 2nd 11:00: István Gulyás (piano)
October 30th 11:00: Aljoša Jurinić (piano) - Cziffra Festival
December 4. 11.00 Ránki Fülöp piano
December 11. 11.00 Banda Ádám - violin and Dobozy Borbála - harpsichord
We are waiting for all those interested and music lovers!