New Temporary Exhibition to Open Soon
A new temporary exhibition will open on 22 May, 2015 in the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum: From Don Sanche to Via Crucis - Liszt's Journey through Europe from Paris to Budapest. The exhibition focuses on the fact that Liszt was interested in opera as a genre all his life from the early years, to the Weimar opera premiers and transcriptions to his unique reform of the oratorium as a genre. The Hungarian-French coproduction is curated by Nicolas Dufetel Liszt expert on the French side and By Zsuzsanna Domokos and her collegues on Hungarian side. The exhibition is supported by the French Institute of Budapest. For the Hungarian topic we have received digital copies to be displayed from several significant Paris institutions such as the Opera, Bibliothéque Nationale, Archive Nationale, and also from the German Klassik Stiftung Weimar Goethe-Schiller Archíve and the Liszt House of Weimar. We will of course exhibit our own collection complemented by items from Hungarian museums and libraries.