New treasures in our collection thanks to our sponsors

30 August 2018

We are pleased to inform you that this year several supports and offerings help our work in the museum. We had the opportunity to republish the English version of the book based on the posters about Liszt’s works. This edition, one of the most popular books amongst our international visitors, could be published due to the benefit of our permanent sponsor, Professor Dr Péter Horváth. This week we have received a donation from Professor Dr Tibor Szász as well. Piano artist Ildikó Zsuzsánna Sőrés has offered to us a music score found before in an antique bookstore, which was part of the Liszt legacy. Thanks to this donation the music score could be returned to its original place, our museum. In addition, an original Liszt manuscript fragment’s reception is still in progress, a generous gift from the Hungarian pianist, Ágnes Radó who lives in the USA.