New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir 15 – Anniversary Concert

12 March 2025, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir 15 – Anniversary Concert

Sound and Silence

John Muehleisen: O Wisdom
Barna Szabó: O Adonai
Barnabás Bánó: O Radix Jesse
Peter Hallock: O Clavis David
Arvo Pärt: O Morgenstern
Paweł Łukaszewski: O Rex gentium
Bob Chilcott: O Emmanuel
Conductor: Péter Mészáros
Balassa: I Want My Sorrow to Release Me, Op. 42
Máté Bella: O Oriens
Conductor: Péter Erdei
Mahler–Gottwald: Urlicht

Conductor: Nemes László Norbert


Gallus: Musica Musarum germana
Alfvén: Aftonen
Ligeti: Night
Brahms: Fünf Gesänge, Op. 104 » Nachtwache I-II.
Vaughan Williams: Silence and Music
Purcell: Hear My Prayer, O Lord (arranged by Sven-David Sandström)
Nystedt: Missa Brevis, Op. 102 » 2. Gloria
Distler: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, Op. 12/1

Tomkins: O sing unto the Lord a New Song

Conductor: Péter Mészáros


New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir

In celebration of its 15th anniversary, the New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir presents a program featuring exceptional works from the vocal music repertoire. The program includes contemporary, 20th-century, and early music compositions, focusing on the human voice, and its absence, silence, the praise of singing, and the act of glorifying through song.

Presented by

Új Liszt Ferenc Kamarakórus, Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont


The concert is supported by the National Cultural Fund.



HUF 3 500

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