Farewell and new beginning

2016. szeptember 17. 19.00-21.00

Régi Zeneakadémia, Kamaraterem

Farewell and new beginning A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Äneas Humm & Judit Polgár Song Recital

R. Strauss
8 Gedichte aus 'Letzte Blätter', op. 10 - 1. Zueignung, 3. Die Nacht, 4. Die Georgine

R. Strauss
6 Lieder aus 'Lotosblätter' - 1. Wozu noch Mädchen?, 2. Breit über mein Haupt, 4. Wie sollten wir geheim sie halten

R. Strauss
Schlichte Weisen, op. 21 - 2. Du meines Herzens Krönelein

R. Strauss
5 Lieder, Op.32 - 1. Ich trage meine Minne

R. Strauss
4 Lieder, Op.27 - 3. Heimliche Aufforderung

Des Knaben Wunderhorn - 7. Rheinlegendchen

Rückert Lieder - 1. Ich atmet' einen linden Duft!, 2. Liebst du um Schönheit

Des Knaben Wunderhorn - 11. Urlicht


Abendlandschaft, op. 20/10

Der Kranke, op. 20/9

Abschied, op. 20/7

Nachklang, op. 30/7

Ferne Lieder

Geliebte Schöne


Tiefe Sehnsucht

Fraue, du Süsse

Liederbuch des Hafis, op. 30 - Vorausbestimmung, Betrunken, Unwiderstehliche Schönheit, Lob des Weines

-;-Äneas Humm (bariton), Polgár Judit (zongora)
The 20-year-old swiss singer is one of the most upcoming artists of his generation. He gave his professional opera debut as the voice of Pokayne at the Stadttheater Bremerhaven in Sir Peter Maxwell Davies’ opera Kommilitonen! Young Blood in 2014. At such a young age already, the Swiss television SRF made a documentary about him; ''A wonder child is growing up - Aeneas Humm on the way to world –wide fame'', which drew international attention. The young artist currently conducts his studies at the University of the Arts in Bremen, where he is a student of the Hungarian soprano Krisztina Laki. Judit Polgar was born in Budapest into a musical family. She studied the piano at the Zürich Music Academy in Switzerland. After completing her studies with the ‛Konzertdiplom’, she did further studies in song accompaniment in Zürich and Karlsruhe, that she concluded with the Masters degree with distinction. Judit Polgar was awarded different accompanist prizes, she is a song accompanist in demand with concert appearances at several international festivals. She is one of the founders of ‛Junges Musiktheater Zürich’ and teacher at Kalaidos Fachhochschule Aarau.


HUF 1 500